Kate looks on as Izzy works hard in the background. And a great big thank you to Hannah and Molly who say cheers Miss Townsend, it was a wicked experience.
Continuation of John Burgerrman
cartoon drawings.
cartoon drawings.
Lauren, Frankie, Lottie and Molly working on the black background in marker pen after some hard work on the characters.
Jack Brookes and his female followers. Lucky girls.
Katie, Kate, Ellie, Harriet, Lottie, Pheobe and others busy with their water colours - more cartoon characters.
Mr Robinson in his usual weirdo pose. Stay on the medication says Molly W.
This group of ceramic students have got it all wrapped up. Enlarge the images to appreciate the technical control and ideas that have gone into their clay pieces.
Rob, Hannah, India, Sam, Emily, Sian, Sophie - 'pot pointing'.
These wrap around forms are a great practice for the Year 10 large scale ceramics inspired by African Art.
These wrap around forms are a great practice for the Year 10 large scale ceramics inspired by African Art.
Looks like Emily and Rob have bonded.
Van Gogh influenced large scale painting in Miss Shipley's group. Wow.
Rachael, Katie, Laura, Danni, Matt, Jess, Catherine, Angela, Louisa and the others....
...and Louisa's floating head ......
The two gorgeous girls in the middle wrote and edited this blog .... Katie and Laura X X X
Laura painted the green bit ....
Sophie, Jade, Hannah, Beth, Amanda, Tom, Ollie,Ellie and others with the odd looking fella in the background. Thanks Sir.
Well done you lot. We'll be displaying your work around school very soon. It was a great atmosphere in the clubs. Post some of your comments about the work you did.