A huge thankyou to our 12 AGCE student Tom Woodward (pictured halfway through this gallery in Times Square) for sharing some of the hundreds of photos he took during a recent 6th Form residential visit to Manhattan. Tom was rarely seen without an SLR camera dangling from his neck - and we're glad he made the effort, because his creative use of photography has resulted in a collection of images that perfectly sum up the buzz of the city. Thanks Tom!
KS3 Homework: Look through the 32 images and respond to the tasks that follow them (after the last image):
KS3 Homework: Respond to the following tasks:
Pick your favourite photo and describe it.
Why have you made this choice?
Do any of these photos show ‘one point perspective’?
Make a quick ‘postcard sized’ sketch of it.
This is a very urban environment. In how many of the 32 photos can you clearly see a tree?